Today I had to throw together an app that would allow a fine grain comparison (i.e. more control than VLOOKUP) of values between an Excel spreadsheet and a SQL Server. Pretty standard stuff I know, but this was my first pass at doing so using typed datasets for the SQL end (I like compile time checking), and pretty much datasets in general. I'm more of a Business Objects type of guy.
I have to say, it was actually really easy to use. The only thing holding me back from using them more often in my full scale app is the separation factor of the DAL from the BLL and not having a circluar reference. I typically use 3 classes: An object class (which is really just a dummy set of classes containing class properties), Data Access Class and a Business Logic class. I think it's possible to separate the typed dataset from the table adapters, but it wasn't something that's easily discerned/apparent. Plus with LINQ to SQL ...
Just for my reference ... to add a datarow from one datatable to another, use DataTable.ImportRow(datarow);